Hehehe.... I'm beginning to like blogging recently, and this is my second post in year 2010 and using English fully (hopefully, but sometimes maybe some malay word will be in my post! wakakakaaka!). I'm kinda proud of myself with this kind of progression, except that I think I need to speak English more often with other people... it's not that I don't want to speak in English, It's just I'm afraid that I'll be using wrong words or grammar when speaking in English with others... But I think I have to try... Besides, "Belum cuba, belum tahu" right?
Anyway, back to my title of my post.... OMG.... Recently, I've had gathered my negative energies, or I shall call it as negative 'qi' (Qi: the life-process or "flow" of energy that sustain living beings).. yeah... JEALOUSY, ARROGANCE, to name a few.... Urgh.... I think It's caused by the news of my friend, Hanif of getting his and MY dream course, Medicine.... Recently, He got the offer from USM to pursue his study after attending the interview... Damn that USM... What's wrong with Band 3? Is it means I SUCKS in English if I didn't get Band 4 for MUET? Huh!~ Why must Band 4??? DAMN~! I nearly got band 4, (8 marks only to get that stupid BAND) and thanks to my Comprehension (which I really hope that I get high marks for this paper to achieve that band), I didn't manage to get it... Urgh.... Kinda sad... HUHUHUHUHUHU!~ Trust Me USM, not all those who got Band 4 can use their English to speak... I'm the one who spoke a lot using English with my teachers, lectures, friends, etc, but the one who seldom use English got band 4 .... Sigh~.... What can I say? It's already fated, so it's no use to cry over spilled milk.....I think it's also my fault for not giving 100% concentration when sitting for the MUET test, especially for the comprehension part... U'll regret for not taking me! >=P LOL
Besides, Hanif also got the offer from MARA twinning program for Medicine in Bandung-UKM in which he and other candidates have to go for interview and have to sit for small tests to be chosen for the programme... huhuhuhu... So LUCKY.... Guess what, the same story, I DIDN'T get the offer... Damn u MARA... Hanif told me the reason why the chosen got the offers were because all of them are PURE BUMIPUTERAS... LOL... So I'm what? Isn't Malay included as Bumiputeras? If not, why Hanif told me that a Kelantanese girl also got the offer? Is she 'Orang Asli'? LOL... But one think that I'm really sured about that offer is only those who obtain 3.79 below who got the offers...DUH, because why some of my friends faced the same fate as me? Hardiana, who obtained 3.9 for sem 1, a Muslim Dusun and Alynn ( sorry I don't know her race, so I concluded that she is Malay) who scores 4.00 also didn't get it? huhuhu... So UNFAIR.... >=P
I'm really jealous at him for getting 'durian runtuh' ( 2 offers 'sekaligus' for him, while I'm NONE... ZERO...EGGS.. LOL) but, as his friend, I'm proud of him... Congrates, friend! U r so lucky, yet you have the choices to choose which one u want to go to pursue your study, while me, I've to depend on UPU 999% to decide my course and my university.... huhuhuhu.... I'm not being a sore loser here, I'm just feeling unsatisfied and It's kinda unfair to me and some of my friends, whose hoping such offers to come to us.... but, what can I say? It's his 'rezeki' anyway.....
Maybe it's not my 'rezeki' to get those offers... Beside, Allah knows better what is the best for His servants, right? maybe I'll get better than those offers, I hope, Insya-Allah... I always pray to Allah to ask for His blessings, and I hope I'll get what I desire, Insya-Allah, Amin~ and I also pray to Him to make me strong to face His tests in this nothing but temporary world..... Amin~
Hopefully I can regain my positive 'qi' and throw all the negative 'qi' in me (Syuh2! Run devil run! LOL it's sound like SNSD song Run Devil Run... wakakakakakaka!)
It's already 11.03 pm, I think my pillows are calling me... So, until then.... See ya! toodles! Assalamualaikum~...
It's time to spread my wings... What about U?
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
My life at LMC
It's been a long time since I've not post anything in my blog... yeah, kinda busy with my study at matriculation, and I've finished it happily, right after the PSPM II ended. Fuh... I've ended my study at Labuan Matriculation College and gain lots of experience, especially in my study and my life. I've met lots of people, with lots of personalities. Some of them can be made as my friends, some of them like trying to pick up fights with me, while others are neutral... Well, It's world, right? Beside, new place, new people.... Hmm....
Some of them are very friendly, I've shared a very joyful and meaningful memories with them while studying there, and I can even entrusted some of them with secrets. While some of them, seeing me like their enemy, saying bad things about me, give me negative perceptions, and some of them even hurt my hearts... Thankfully I still have my besties there, for example Raidah, Zharif, Hanif, Alynn and Natrah.... at least I managed to survive there. If not, maybe I can't even manage to study peacefully due to over thinking about those who bad talking about me... Huhuhu... I managed to capture unforgettable memories with my besties, as well as with my tutorial friends (which I only considered some of them as my friend, the others are like ordinary classmate, nuttin' more than that... Huhuhu)
Kudos to Raidah who always hearing me whining about my problems...she's a good listener and a good adviser.... I owe her a lot... Thanx Rai!!! Kudos also to Zharif & Hanif, they always beside me whenever I have problems, whether the problems are in my study or personal-related problems... Huhuhuhu~ Wait... we three were always together there! we three were like the three musketeers, p makan sama2, study sama2, p examination hall pun sama2...wakakakakaka! Kudos to Alynn and Natrah, for always making my life so colourful, as whenever I meet with them, we always have fights, small and idiotic fights that always make me and the others laugh.... Hehehe! Last but not least, kudos to some of my tutorial friends, namely Khadz, who always advices me in good ways, thanx to Joel for the only guys in my tutorial that i can entrust him with my problems in tutorial, thanx to Yvonne for always 'gaduh2' with me, but also give me some useful advices... Kudos also to Izzah, Jesie, Hera, Michelle, Fiqa, Poi, Arifah, Miera, and Diana as they are playing their own roles in our tutorials to cheer up all of us... Thanx! Those who I've not mentioned, please jgn ambil hati ya!
Huhuhuhu... LMC really changes my life, especially my study.... I studied damn so hard to obtain a very good result, and WALLA! I obtained very superb results for both of my PSPM.... I obtained 3.88 for sem. 1, and 3.9 for sem. 2 which make the total of 3.89 for the PNGK..... WOW.... Maybe I really want to redeem my mistakes that I've done for my SPM, and I really thanked Allah for this superb result, alhamdulillah... I also thanked my family, especially my parents for the moral and financial supports they gave to me while I'm studying in LMC, and also to my lecturers, thanx for teaching me to become a good student, even though I didn't manage to obtain 4.00 like Alynn hehehe~
Huhuhu... now, I'm doing nuttin' at home, except online-ing and playing some computer games plus reading some manga and watching some shows, waiting for the UPU results... Hopefully I get Medic, the course that I've been desired since I was in year 1, in UM or UKM... Insyaallah, Amin~....
I think that's enough for now..... Toodles! see ya! Assalamualaikum....
Some of them are very friendly, I've shared a very joyful and meaningful memories with them while studying there, and I can even entrusted some of them with secrets. While some of them, seeing me like their enemy, saying bad things about me, give me negative perceptions, and some of them even hurt my hearts... Thankfully I still have my besties there, for example Raidah, Zharif, Hanif, Alynn and Natrah.... at least I managed to survive there. If not, maybe I can't even manage to study peacefully due to over thinking about those who bad talking about me... Huhuhu... I managed to capture unforgettable memories with my besties, as well as with my tutorial friends (which I only considered some of them as my friend, the others are like ordinary classmate, nuttin' more than that... Huhuhu)
Kudos to Raidah who always hearing me whining about my problems...she's a good listener and a good adviser.... I owe her a lot... Thanx Rai!!! Kudos also to Zharif & Hanif, they always beside me whenever I have problems, whether the problems are in my study or personal-related problems... Huhuhuhu~ Wait... we three were always together there! we three were like the three musketeers, p makan sama2, study sama2, p examination hall pun sama2...wakakakakaka! Kudos to Alynn and Natrah, for always making my life so colourful, as whenever I meet with them, we always have fights, small and idiotic fights that always make me and the others laugh.... Hehehe! Last but not least, kudos to some of my tutorial friends, namely Khadz, who always advices me in good ways, thanx to Joel for the only guys in my tutorial that i can entrust him with my problems in tutorial, thanx to Yvonne for always 'gaduh2' with me, but also give me some useful advices... Kudos also to Izzah, Jesie, Hera, Michelle, Fiqa, Poi, Arifah, Miera, and Diana as they are playing their own roles in our tutorials to cheer up all of us... Thanx! Those who I've not mentioned, please jgn ambil hati ya!
Huhuhuhu... LMC really changes my life, especially my study.... I studied damn so hard to obtain a very good result, and WALLA! I obtained very superb results for both of my PSPM.... I obtained 3.88 for sem. 1, and 3.9 for sem. 2 which make the total of 3.89 for the PNGK..... WOW.... Maybe I really want to redeem my mistakes that I've done for my SPM, and I really thanked Allah for this superb result, alhamdulillah... I also thanked my family, especially my parents for the moral and financial supports they gave to me while I'm studying in LMC, and also to my lecturers, thanx for teaching me to become a good student, even though I didn't manage to obtain 4.00 like Alynn hehehe~
Huhuhu... now, I'm doing nuttin' at home, except online-ing and playing some computer games plus reading some manga and watching some shows, waiting for the UPU results... Hopefully I get Medic, the course that I've been desired since I was in year 1, in UM or UKM... Insyaallah, Amin~....
I think that's enough for now..... Toodles! see ya! Assalamualaikum....
Monday, April 27, 2009
Zee Avi....

Zee Avi(picture) who is also known as KokoKaina, is a Malaysian singer-songwriter and musician. Her song "No Christmas For Me" is featured on Brushfire Records's 2008 Christmas album This Warm December. She was discovered as a result of years of posting videos on youtube under the moniker KokoKaina. Her single 'Bitter Heart' is currently available on the US iTunes store, and her full self-titled debut album will follow on May 19th.
HUhUU.. aQ minat sgT dgn dia ni.. Bukan apa.. soranya.. ada blues campur jazz ckit..... aRtis2 jazz seperti esTher OIAM dGn Amylea... mmg aq minat amaT.. sora dorg mantaP... HuHuHUHU... aq secara tidak sengaja meminatI zee aVi Ni pUn kerana aq menyeloNgkar www.rindok.com.... tetiba.. aq BlH jumpa cerita psl zee aVi.. apa lae... trus aq dGr videonya.. WOW>.. and she impressed me with her talented voice.. HeR Voice is daMn gooD!!! and nOw, she's popular and has many fans around d world!!! N mosTly From USA!!! WOW!!!! and she is only malaysian!! wow.. I'm really2 proud of her... BesT OF LuCk In yoUr carrier, zee!!!! I'll be waitiNg for YoUr first alBum!!! (which will be released 19th MAy 2009 in USA..... I wonder when it will be in Malaysia... HuhuHuhUhu)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Third tag... ^o^
How old are you?
- This september... am gonna be 18.. haha
At what age do you think you'll get married?
- 27,28, 29, years old... insyaallah..... =)
Do you think you'll marry the person you are with now?
- hahahaha.. no girls with me now :'(
Who will be your bridesmaid and bestman?
- ma brother, ma sister, ma cuzzy, ma fren... maybe... i guess... wakakakakaka.... juz wait and C!
Do you want a garden/ beach or traditional wedding?
- tengokla nanti... campur2 kali.. hahahahahahahaha!!!!
Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
- Saudi Arabia, Egypt, England, France, S. Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.... hahahahahahaha!!!
How many guess do you think you'll invite?
- hmmm~ no idea.. but family and closest friends must be there... hahahaha!!!
Will that incule your exes?
- kalau aq ada ex nanti... that would be definitely yes... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
baru kaw tau.. sepa suruh ko tinggalkan aq? hahahahahaah!!!!
How many layer of cake do you want?
- Hmm~ three?? ntahla.... tengokla... juz wait and see....
When do you want to get married? Morning or evening?
- Hmm~ Morning la kot..... tapi berlanjutan celebrationnnya... wakakakaka
Name of the song/tune you'd like to play at the wedding..
- Too many.... hahahahaha... kalau boleh aq jemput Zee Avi... Love her voice so damn much!! and estranged too!!!
Do you prefer fine ding or just normal spoon n fork? knife?
- Normal... ding??? (aq ndak paam soalan ni so aq ikut jak apa yg c rozy jawab... hahahahahah)
Champagne or red wine?
- I am a Muslim so none of them... hahahahahahaha... maybe some juices? =)
Money or household items?
- Both are absolutely importants....
How many kid would you like to have?
- 3 to 5... insyaallah... depends on rezeki lorh!!!! =P
Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
- kalau aq ingatla... hahahaha.... absolutely... kac tgk anak2 ku nanti... Hhahahahaha!!!
Who's wedding plan would you like to know next?
- Zharif A..... Jawab kau zarip.. klu ndak ku rabaq ko d sana... HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! >=D
- This september... am gonna be 18.. haha
At what age do you think you'll get married?
- 27,28, 29, years old... insyaallah..... =)
Do you think you'll marry the person you are with now?
- hahahaha.. no girls with me now :'(
Who will be your bridesmaid and bestman?
- ma brother, ma sister, ma cuzzy, ma fren... maybe... i guess... wakakakakaka.... juz wait and C!
Do you want a garden/ beach or traditional wedding?
- tengokla nanti... campur2 kali.. hahahahahahahaha!!!!
Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
- Saudi Arabia, Egypt, England, France, S. Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.... hahahahahahaha!!!
How many guess do you think you'll invite?
- hmmm~ no idea.. but family and closest friends must be there... hahahaha!!!
Will that incule your exes?
- kalau aq ada ex nanti... that would be definitely yes... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
baru kaw tau.. sepa suruh ko tinggalkan aq? hahahahahaah!!!!
How many layer of cake do you want?
- Hmm~ three?? ntahla.... tengokla... juz wait and see....
When do you want to get married? Morning or evening?
- Hmm~ Morning la kot..... tapi berlanjutan celebrationnnya... wakakakaka
Name of the song/tune you'd like to play at the wedding..
- Too many.... hahahahaha... kalau boleh aq jemput Zee Avi... Love her voice so damn much!! and estranged too!!!
Do you prefer fine ding or just normal spoon n fork? knife?
- Normal... ding??? (aq ndak paam soalan ni so aq ikut jak apa yg c rozy jawab... hahahahahah)
Champagne or red wine?
- I am a Muslim so none of them... hahahahahahaha... maybe some juices? =)
Money or household items?
- Both are absolutely importants....
How many kid would you like to have?
- 3 to 5... insyaallah... depends on rezeki lorh!!!! =P
Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
- kalau aq ingatla... hahahaha.... absolutely... kac tgk anak2 ku nanti... Hhahahahaha!!!
Who's wedding plan would you like to know next?
- Zharif A..... Jawab kau zarip.. klu ndak ku rabaq ko d sana... HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! >=D
Second tag....... ^^,
1. Adakah anda suka blogging?
sumtimes... kalo ada story... gua letakla.. wakakakakakakaka
2.Blog siapa yang selalu anda skodeng? Nyatakan 5
- zarip
- raidah
- rozy
- wan
- irfan(???) hahahahaha!!! aq tgk jak blognya!!!!
3. Adakah anda menginginkan seseorang dalam hidup anda? Yang boleh menemani dan menyayangi anda sepenuh hati? Dan siapakah orang itu?
huhuhuhu... of course i am.... yg penting... dia mesti pompuan.. wakakakakaka
4. Taken or single? Mana lebih bagus?
Right now, single... i want to focus on ma study... :)
5. Pernah tak cinta anda tidak dibalas?
macam mana la ndak d balas... aq pendam jak... nanti2la aq kactau dia.. hahahahahaahah..
6. Ciri-ciri idaman gf/bf anda? Nyatakan 5.
- prempuan + solehah... :D
- Pandai dari segi pelajaran, house chores...... hahahaa
- memahami saya... :)
- she's there when i need her... =)
- pretty, beautiful......d mataku la..... hahahahahaa =))
7. Pada umur berapakah anda akan merancang untuk berkahwin?
27, 28, 29... insyaallah...... =)
8. Nak berapa anak?
3 to 5..... hehehehe
9. 5 orang bertuah yang anda ingin tag
- hamba allah
- manusia
- sepa2 yg baca blog aq..... wakakakakaka....
- pandai membaca
- pandai la menjawab... wakakakakakakakakakakak!!!!!
10. Date of birth
17th September 1991
11. Best present yang pernah dapat
Ma life, ma family, ma friends.... and also ma things!!!! hahahahahaahha!!!
12. Gift yang diimpikan?
Hmmm~... apa ya??? no idea right now... =D
13. Fav colour?
asalkan ok d mata... aq suka la... tapi... most suka ialah hitam, putih, biru and violet.....
14. fav numbers?
One, eight, triple eight....... hahahahaha!
15. Best place yang ingin dijejaki?
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, England, France, S. Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.... hahahahahahaha!!!
16. Rasa bahagia apabila...
saya happy........ hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahaha!!!
17. Fav movie
Shaolin soccer, The benchwarmers... blaX3 and so on....
18. fav artist
Zee Avi, Estranged, Esther OIAM, Aweera OIAM, Amylea, Stacy, Aliff Aziz, Meet Uncle Hussein.....
wah... yg penting byk aq minat....
19. Tagged you...
zarif A., rozy, raidah.... hahahahahaa... hate u so much pals ....... HUH!~ (>_<)
sumtimes... kalo ada story... gua letakla.. wakakakakakakaka
2.Blog siapa yang selalu anda skodeng? Nyatakan 5
- zarip
- raidah
- rozy
- wan
- irfan(???) hahahahaha!!! aq tgk jak blognya!!!!
3. Adakah anda menginginkan seseorang dalam hidup anda? Yang boleh menemani dan menyayangi anda sepenuh hati? Dan siapakah orang itu?
huhuhuhu... of course i am.... yg penting... dia mesti pompuan.. wakakakakaka
4. Taken or single? Mana lebih bagus?
Right now, single... i want to focus on ma study... :)
5. Pernah tak cinta anda tidak dibalas?
macam mana la ndak d balas... aq pendam jak... nanti2la aq kactau dia.. hahahahahaahah..
6. Ciri-ciri idaman gf/bf anda? Nyatakan 5.
- prempuan + solehah... :D
- Pandai dari segi pelajaran, house chores...... hahahaa
- memahami saya... :)
- she's there when i need her... =)
- pretty, beautiful......d mataku la..... hahahahahaa =))
7. Pada umur berapakah anda akan merancang untuk berkahwin?
27, 28, 29... insyaallah...... =)
8. Nak berapa anak?
3 to 5..... hehehehe
9. 5 orang bertuah yang anda ingin tag
- hamba allah
- manusia
- sepa2 yg baca blog aq..... wakakakakaka....
- pandai membaca
- pandai la menjawab... wakakakakakakakakakakak!!!!!
10. Date of birth
17th September 1991
11. Best present yang pernah dapat
Ma life, ma family, ma friends.... and also ma things!!!! hahahahahaahha!!!
12. Gift yang diimpikan?
Hmmm~... apa ya??? no idea right now... =D
13. Fav colour?
asalkan ok d mata... aq suka la... tapi... most suka ialah hitam, putih, biru and violet.....
14. fav numbers?
One, eight, triple eight....... hahahahaha!
15. Best place yang ingin dijejaki?
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, England, France, S. Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.... hahahahahahaha!!!
16. Rasa bahagia apabila...
saya happy........ hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahaha!!!
17. Fav movie
Shaolin soccer, The benchwarmers... blaX3 and so on....
18. fav artist
Zee Avi, Estranged, Esther OIAM, Aweera OIAM, Amylea, Stacy, Aliff Aziz, Meet Uncle Hussein.....
wah... yg penting byk aq minat....
19. Tagged you...
zarif A., rozy, raidah.... hahahahahaa... hate u so much pals ....... HUH!~ (>_<)
Monday, April 20, 2009
FirsT Tag.... ^-^
1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah:
HuhUhU.. teda... minat adala.. wakKakakakaka.....
2. Saya sedang mendengar:
Bitter Heart by Zee Avi.. hahahahaha
3. Mungkin saya patut:
Stop sekejap on9 sebab bapaku mo baca berita d internet... hahahahaha
4. Saya suka:
online-ning + downloading .. wakakakakakaka
5. Sahabat2 baik saya:
my BFF.. FTD... hahahahaha.... (sorry zarip aq ubah jawapanmu) wakakakakaa
6. Saya tak paham:
when somebody speak other than Bm and english... Or martians... wahahahahahaha!
7. Saya kehilangan:
aq punya cd ps1 suikoden 1...... waaa~!!
8. Ramai orang berkata:
kau dapat tawaran matrix?
9. Makna nama saya:
tanyala c zharif A.. hahahahahah..
10. Cinta itu adalah:
bukan sahaja buta.. malahan pekak.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! =))
Definitions of love on the Web plak:
# a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"
# any object of warm affection or devotion; "the theater was her first love"; "he has a passion for cock fighting";
# have a great affection or liking for; "I love French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him"
# beloved: a beloved person; used as terms of endearment
# get pleasure from; "I love cooking"
11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang:
Buat kerja sendiri... wakakakakakaka....
12. Saya akan cuba:
jadi rajin.... utk segala aspek.... wakakakakakaka....
13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud..
Menurut kamus Dewan edisi ketiga, SELAMANYA bermaksud:
jangka masa yang lama dan berterusan....
In english means forever, which based on Oxford dictionary it means:
for all time, permanently.. eternity....
14. Telefon bimbit saya:
ntah d mana... kadang2 saya terpaksa call utk mencari d mana lokasinya... hahahahaha
15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur:
trus p dapur minum air..... hahahahaha.... ku waktu pagi plak...
merungut tak tentu pasal... wakakakakakak
16. Saya paling meluat apabila:
bila seseorang membuat perkara2 yg menjijikkan.... wakakakaak
17. Pesta/Parti adalah:
Fiesta... that means... enjoy!!!wakakakakakakakakakakaakakakak!!!
18. Haiwan paling comel yang pernah saya temui ialah:
POKEMON dan DIGIMON... wakakakakakaakka....
19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya adalah:
masa sekolah rendah... sebab.. RAMAI KAWAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dan Ndak payah sgt struggle belajar....
20. Hari ini:
tgh download manga.... =)
21. Malam ini saya akan:
buka ym kot.... wakakakaka sambil download manga... =D
22. Esok pula saya akan:
sambung download manga... wakakakkaka ^^,
23. Saya betul2 inginkan:
a collection of suikoden games, manga, OST...... bla bla bla....
asalkan suikoden.... hahahahaha
24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini:
yeah... ndada sdh jerawatku... baru kau tau jerawat!
25. Pusat membeli belah atau arked permainan:
dua2... aq suka men game sama shopping... wakakakakakakaka....
26. Makan Barat atau Jepun:
hahahaha.... asalkan halal.... aq sapu... hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
27. Bilik yg terang atau gelap:
gelap.. kalau tidurla... kalau terang... utk tgh membaca... atau tgh online... atau tgh depan kom.. atau tgh study...
28. Makanan segera adalah:
makanan yang tidak menyihatkan tapi sedap d makan.. wakakakakakaka....
29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang adalah:
Ya mak.. kejap...
30. Siapa yang anda nak tag?
sepa2 yang baca blogku... wakakakakaka
HuhUhU.. teda... minat adala.. wakKakakakaka.....
2. Saya sedang mendengar:
Bitter Heart by Zee Avi.. hahahahaha
3. Mungkin saya patut:
Stop sekejap on9 sebab bapaku mo baca berita d internet... hahahahaha
4. Saya suka:
online-ning + downloading .. wakakakakakaka
5. Sahabat2 baik saya:
my BFF.. FTD... hahahahaha.... (sorry zarip aq ubah jawapanmu) wakakakakaa
6. Saya tak paham:
when somebody speak other than Bm and english... Or martians... wahahahahahaha!
7. Saya kehilangan:
aq punya cd ps1 suikoden 1...... waaa~!!
8. Ramai orang berkata:
kau dapat tawaran matrix?
9. Makna nama saya:
tanyala c zharif A.. hahahahahah..
10. Cinta itu adalah:
bukan sahaja buta.. malahan pekak.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! =))
Definitions of love on the Web plak:
# a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"
# any object of warm affection or devotion; "the theater was her first love"; "he has a passion for cock fighting";
# have a great affection or liking for; "I love French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him"
# beloved: a beloved person; used as terms of endearment
# get pleasure from; "I love cooking"
11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang:
Buat kerja sendiri... wakakakakakaka....
12. Saya akan cuba:
jadi rajin.... utk segala aspek.... wakakakakakaka....
13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud..
Menurut kamus Dewan edisi ketiga, SELAMANYA bermaksud:
jangka masa yang lama dan berterusan....
In english means forever, which based on Oxford dictionary it means:
for all time, permanently.. eternity....
14. Telefon bimbit saya:
ntah d mana... kadang2 saya terpaksa call utk mencari d mana lokasinya... hahahahaha
15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur:
trus p dapur minum air..... hahahahaha.... ku waktu pagi plak...
merungut tak tentu pasal... wakakakakakak
16. Saya paling meluat apabila:
bila seseorang membuat perkara2 yg menjijikkan.... wakakakaak
17. Pesta/Parti adalah:
Fiesta... that means... enjoy!!!wakakakakakakakakakakaakakakak!!!
18. Haiwan paling comel yang pernah saya temui ialah:
POKEMON dan DIGIMON... wakakakakakaakka....
19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya adalah:
masa sekolah rendah... sebab.. RAMAI KAWAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dan Ndak payah sgt struggle belajar....
20. Hari ini:
tgh download manga.... =)
21. Malam ini saya akan:
buka ym kot.... wakakakaka sambil download manga... =D
22. Esok pula saya akan:
sambung download manga... wakakakkaka ^^,
23. Saya betul2 inginkan:
a collection of suikoden games, manga, OST...... bla bla bla....
asalkan suikoden.... hahahahaha
24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini:
yeah... ndada sdh jerawatku... baru kau tau jerawat!
25. Pusat membeli belah atau arked permainan:
dua2... aq suka men game sama shopping... wakakakakakakaka....
26. Makan Barat atau Jepun:
hahahaha.... asalkan halal.... aq sapu... hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
27. Bilik yg terang atau gelap:
gelap.. kalau tidurla... kalau terang... utk tgh membaca... atau tgh online... atau tgh depan kom.. atau tgh study...
28. Makanan segera adalah:
makanan yang tidak menyihatkan tapi sedap d makan.. wakakakakakaka....
29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang adalah:
Ya mak.. kejap...
30. Siapa yang anda nak tag?
sepa2 yang baca blogku... wakakakakaka
tawaRan matRix.....
hmm~ it's been a Long LonG Time aq Ndak posT aPa2 d BlOgku.... huHhuhU.. baru skuNK kalI aq mo waT post.... Pada hari JumaaT lalU, 17 hb April 2009..... KepUTusan matrix KluaR... HahahHha... PerasaaN bercamPur baur.... ada nervous, ada happy.. semuanya la jadi satu.. wakKakak.... bagI aq Plak... aq lupa bahawa hari Tu keputusan matrix kluar.. kenapa? sebaB aq lebih risaukan lapTopkuyang hangkang tu.. malam JumaaT Tu.. aq cyuma Ingat... besOk aq mo bawa lapTop tU ke digital wise (kedai komputer).. ItU jak.. hhahHhahahaha!!! =)).....
YanG BiKin aq ingat balIk pasal bendaTu ialaH bila c zariP caLl aq Jam 12.50 tgh malam... time aq Tgh nyenyak tiduR.. Hp aq berbunYi... menyesal aq nDak kaC silent Hp Ku.. hahahahHahha... jangan maraH zariP!! Dia lah Yg menGingatkan aq... wakKakakaka..... thanx a LoT duDe! dia TelefoN aq..... Dia Punyala happy bagai nak rak... gembira sesangat sebaB dia dapaT tawaran... aq Tumpang gemBira Utk dia... walaupUn.. masa Tu aq blank2 + BlUr2... ya la! tGh malam bha Tu!.. sO... aq p CeK la aq Punya kepUtUsan plak...
aq dapaT! yes! hahahaha!.. Tu prasaan dalam hati jak... padahal.. masih lae bingung2 + Blur2+ blank2..... sebaB.. Tgh malam bha Tu!!! kO ndak mengaNtuk ka? hahahahahahaha!.. Then aq caLl c zarip... aq pun Ikut sama jUa dia p sana.. wakKkakakakakakak!!!!!! walauPun mUla2nya aq mo kelentonG dia, tapI ndak jadi... sebab? aq TgH mengantuK... wakakakakKKaaa.....
sO... aq memanG happy... sebab.. ramai jugak kengkawan yg dapaT... dorg2 spT c zarip, shahril, aniep, rai, rozy, adilah, alynn, leena, shapa dan dora (???)... mengapa aq Tulis (???)... sebab.. c dora apply d semenanjung semuanya.. tetiba.. sesat d labuan.. wakakakakakakka!!! mO ketawa Gila aq... peliknya.... =))..... walaupun gitu... ada jua pren2 ku yg ndak dapat p matrix... so.. nasihatku.... merayu + DOA... harap2... tuhan makbulkan... INSYAALLAH... AMIN~
so.. perasaanku?
First~ aq happy... sebab aq dapat laptop.. YEAY!!!!!! YIPPEE!!! WUHU!!!! wakakakakaa.. skrg... adikku ndak lae boleh sembarangan pegang2 tu laptop.. karang ada yg kena tabaQ... wakKakakakakakak...
Second~ aq sad.. sebab... for the first time... aq tinggalkan ma family... sandakan.. gentingmas mall... pasar baru sandakan.. sm sung siew.. and apa2 jak yg ada d sndakan la! tapi.. yg paling sad.. tinggalkan family lah.. huhuhuu~
Third ~ takut.... nah... kalau sdh d sana.. berdikari... adeh... ni yg aq malas sikit.. aq ni bukan apa... cuma malas.. hahahahaha.. penyakit yg sukar d buang... Huhhuhuhuhu......... lagipun.. study d sana.. kena STRUGGLE... kalau ndak... kena tendang... kick... flying kick... super kick... dan byk jenis kick la! So, no more FUN, ENJOY, and INTERNET... huhuhuhu~! no more FS... YM... MS.... NO MORE DOWNLOADING SOFTWARE, SONGS and so on.... AND NO MORE GAME.... (gudbye ma suikoden) ;'( ....
Last but not least ~ geram + mau mengamuk.... Punyala byk rules d sana!!!!! thanx rozy @ moko... sbb byl informasi yang dberi... habis dia hafal smua rule2 d sana.. ya allah! hahahahahaha..... aq marah.. sebab... NO JEANS... ADEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kO ingat aq ni skema sangat ka???? baru tu... no T-shirt... smua mau berkolar.... adeh.. nasib baik ndak d suruh pakai baju kemeja berkotak2.. klu ndak.. NAH... DEJA VU.. wakakakakakakakakakaakakakakakakakak!!! wei jahat aq wei!!!!!! hahahahahahahaaha.. Tu much rule at there.. and byk kekurangan... pandai mati karenla.. mati airla... adeh.... ni yg aq tak suka.. bgz lae duduk d sndkn...... ndak juga malar mati karen dgn air...
hmm.... setakat ni jakla aq cerita... tapi overall... aq happy... sbb.. ramai kawan2 ku p sana.. WALAUPUN....... >=( ..... malas aq mo cakap... hahahahaa... bah! that's all 4 today!!!!! buh bye!!!!!
YanG BiKin aq ingat balIk pasal bendaTu ialaH bila c zariP caLl aq Jam 12.50 tgh malam... time aq Tgh nyenyak tiduR.. Hp aq berbunYi... menyesal aq nDak kaC silent Hp Ku.. hahahahHahha... jangan maraH zariP!! Dia lah Yg menGingatkan aq... wakKakakaka..... thanx a LoT duDe! dia TelefoN aq..... Dia Punyala happy bagai nak rak... gembira sesangat sebaB dia dapaT tawaran... aq Tumpang gemBira Utk dia... walaupUn.. masa Tu aq blank2 + BlUr2... ya la! tGh malam bha Tu!.. sO... aq p CeK la aq Punya kepUtUsan plak...
aq dapaT! yes! hahahaha!.. Tu prasaan dalam hati jak... padahal.. masih lae bingung2 + Blur2+ blank2..... sebaB.. Tgh malam bha Tu!!! kO ndak mengaNtuk ka? hahahahahahaha!.. Then aq caLl c zarip... aq pun Ikut sama jUa dia p sana.. wakKkakakakakakak!!!!!! walauPun mUla2nya aq mo kelentonG dia, tapI ndak jadi... sebab? aq TgH mengantuK... wakakakakKKaaa.....
sO... aq memanG happy... sebab.. ramai jugak kengkawan yg dapaT... dorg2 spT c zarip, shahril, aniep, rai, rozy, adilah, alynn, leena, shapa dan dora (???)... mengapa aq Tulis (???)... sebab.. c dora apply d semenanjung semuanya.. tetiba.. sesat d labuan.. wakakakakakakka!!! mO ketawa Gila aq... peliknya.... =))..... walaupun gitu... ada jua pren2 ku yg ndak dapat p matrix... so.. nasihatku.... merayu + DOA... harap2... tuhan makbulkan... INSYAALLAH... AMIN~
so.. perasaanku?
First~ aq happy... sebab aq dapat laptop.. YEAY!!!!!! YIPPEE!!! WUHU!!!! wakakakakaa.. skrg... adikku ndak lae boleh sembarangan pegang2 tu laptop.. karang ada yg kena tabaQ... wakKakakakakakak...
Second~ aq sad.. sebab... for the first time... aq tinggalkan ma family... sandakan.. gentingmas mall... pasar baru sandakan.. sm sung siew.. and apa2 jak yg ada d sndakan la! tapi.. yg paling sad.. tinggalkan family lah.. huhuhuu~
Third ~ takut.... nah... kalau sdh d sana.. berdikari... adeh... ni yg aq malas sikit.. aq ni bukan apa... cuma malas.. hahahahaha.. penyakit yg sukar d buang... Huhhuhuhuhu......... lagipun.. study d sana.. kena STRUGGLE... kalau ndak... kena tendang... kick... flying kick... super kick... dan byk jenis kick la! So, no more FUN, ENJOY, and INTERNET... huhuhuhu~! no more FS... YM... MS.... NO MORE DOWNLOADING SOFTWARE, SONGS and so on.... AND NO MORE GAME.... (gudbye ma suikoden) ;'( ....
Last but not least ~ geram + mau mengamuk.... Punyala byk rules d sana!!!!! thanx rozy @ moko... sbb byl informasi yang dberi... habis dia hafal smua rule2 d sana.. ya allah! hahahahahaha..... aq marah.. sebab... NO JEANS... ADEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kO ingat aq ni skema sangat ka???? baru tu... no T-shirt... smua mau berkolar.... adeh.. nasib baik ndak d suruh pakai baju kemeja berkotak2.. klu ndak.. NAH... DEJA VU.. wakakakakakakakakakaakakakakakakakak!!! wei jahat aq wei!!!!!! hahahahahahahaaha.. Tu much rule at there.. and byk kekurangan... pandai mati karenla.. mati airla... adeh.... ni yg aq tak suka.. bgz lae duduk d sndkn...... ndak juga malar mati karen dgn air...
hmm.... setakat ni jakla aq cerita... tapi overall... aq happy... sbb.. ramai kawan2 ku p sana.. WALAUPUN....... >=( ..... malas aq mo cakap... hahahahaa... bah! that's all 4 today!!!!! buh bye!!!!!
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