Zee Avi(picture) who is also known as KokoKaina, is a Malaysian singer-songwriter and musician. Her song "No Christmas For Me" is featured on Brushfire Records's 2008 Christmas album This Warm December. She was discovered as a result of years of posting videos on youtube under the moniker KokoKaina. Her single 'Bitter Heart' is currently available on the US iTunes store, and her full self-titled debut album will follow on May 19th.
HUhUU.. aQ minat sgT dgn dia ni.. Bukan apa.. soranya.. ada blues campur jazz ckit..... aRtis2 jazz seperti esTher OIAM dGn Amylea... mmg aq minat amaT.. sora dorg mantaP... HuHuHUHU... aq secara tidak sengaja meminatI zee aVi Ni pUn kerana aq menyeloNgkar www.rindok.com.... tetiba.. aq BlH jumpa cerita psl zee aVi.. apa lae... trus aq dGr videonya.. WOW>.. and she impressed me with her talented voice.. HeR Voice is daMn gooD!!! and nOw, she's popular and has many fans around d world!!! N mosTly From USA!!! WOW!!!! and she is only malaysian!! wow.. I'm really2 proud of her... BesT OF LuCk In yoUr carrier, zee!!!! I'll be waitiNg for YoUr first alBum!!! (which will be released 19th MAy 2009 in USA..... I wonder when it will be in Malaysia... HuhuHuhUhu)
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